Filming and Photography
How external organizations access Rutgers spaces for filming.
Policy Information
Outside organizations who want to film, videotape, or photograph on the property or inside buildings of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, must follow the university guidelines referenced in policy 80.1.1. Requests must be submitted to the appropriate office along with additional required information.
All department heads and university communicators should read and understand this policy.
What Does the Policy Do?
- Grants permission for outside organizations to film, videotape, and photograph on Rutgers property.
- Prevents disruption of university operations including clinical activities while filming and shooting photography on university property.
- Safeguards the integrity of the university.
- Ensures all filming and photography are in line with Rutgers’ mission.
How Does the Policy Affect You?
External organizations interested in photographing or filming a commercial or documentary project on Rutgers' accessible and architecturally diverse campuses across New Jersey, please review the processes and guidelines on this page.
Faculty and staff who are approached by an external organization about filming on the Rutgers campus, please refer the organization to the community affairs or communications office for that specific campus.
Campus Filming Application
Complete the Campus Filming Application at least 30 days prior to filming/photography date and follow the "How to Work with Us" guidelines below. External organizations must obtain formal permission to film on any location owned by Rutgers. Access to and use of academic and/or athletic venues will be coordinated by the Rutgers location coordinators.
Accordion Content
Please note: A location request should be made at least 30 days prior to the filming date. Scouting visits must be arranged by a Rutgers location coordinator listed below. All requests will be evaluated to ensure compatibility with Rutgers’ mission and in order to minimize the disruption of university operations.
New Brunswick/Piscataway
Patricia Kastner
Office of Strategic Events and Programs
Email: patricia.kastner@rutgers.edu
Filming Permission Request Form (REQUIRED)Rutgers Health (New Brunswick and Newark)
Patricia Kastner
Office of Strategic Events and Programs
Email: patricia.kastner@rutgers.edu
Filming Permission Request Form (REQUIRED)Newark
Kimberlee Williams
Office of Communications
Email: kimberlee.williams@rutgers.eduCamden
Doug Shelton
Office of Marketing and Communications
Email: doug.shelton@rutgers.edu -
- Complete the online campus filming application at least 30 days in advance of the filming/photography date.
- Guidelines
- Scouting Visits - All campus visits must be scheduled through a Rutgers location coordinator. A university representative will accompany production staff at all times during the visit. Be prepared to discuss set dressing, special effects, equipment set up, placement of cranes/generators, and number and size of production vehicles, food trucks, portable restrooms, drone operation, etc
- Script Approval - A complete copy of the final script or story board must be submitted to and approved by a Rutgers location coordinator. Any script changes or additions (including title change) must be brought to the attention of the Rutgers location coordinator once approval has been granted.
- Location Agreement - Once the details of the project have been agreed to, the location coordinator at Rutgers University will prepare a location agreement for review and approval by the production company. A certificate of insurance (see Safety & Insurance) will be required when the contract is signed.
- Signage – All directional signage (e.g., for crew/truck parking or directions to set) must be attached to stanchions and may not be hung on anything, including trees, poles, etc. All signage must be removed at the conclusion of the shoot.
- Campus Modifications - You may not drill, nail, glue or alter any campus property in any way without permission from a Rutgers location coordinator. If this permission is granted, you understand that you must return property to its original state unless other arrangements have been made.
- Construction - Temporary construction shall be conducted in a fashion that shall neither damage university property nor in any way endanger faculty, staff, students, or visitors. The erection of building facades and other construction that could impede fire lanes or otherwise affect the safety of pedestrians or building occupants must be approved by Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety, Institutional Planning & Operations, and a Rutgers location coordinator prior to construction. Employees associated with the film project must utilize safety procedures that will ensure their safety as well as that of university employees, students, and visitors.
- Fire Permits – Any production using a mobile food truck or tent set up, must apply and receive a fire permit from Rutgers University Emergency Services at least 14 days prior to the start of the production.
- Campus Health Policies - On-site productions will follow university health policies and guidelines currently in effect.
- Smoke-Free Campus - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey is tobacco-free. The use of all tobacco products is prohibited in all indoor and outdoor facilities on university-owned and leased property with no exceptions, including within vehicles parked on those properties.
- Crew Behavior - Personnel in any way connected with the production can be ejected from the campus for displaying behavior that is deemed to be disruptive to the operation of the university, or for being offensive in language or behavior to students, faculty, staff, administrators, or university guests.
Type of Production
Full-day fee per day/per site (6-12 hours)
Half-day fee per day/per site (1-6 hours)
Motion picture, TV show, Commercial $8,000 $4,000 Internet spot/industrial $5,000 $2,500 Dress/strike set $4,000 $2,000 Still photography $3,000 $1,500 Documentaries (including faculty/staff interviews, campus facilities and b-roll), PSAs, and non-profit organizations Fee will be dependent on scope of project and evaluated on a case-by-case basis - Fees are calculated from the arrival of the first production vehicle to the departure of the last production vehicle.
- Full-day productions that overrun their contracted time will be charged an additional $500/hour. Half-day productions that overrun their contracted time or occur outside of the designated hours will be charged at the full-day rate.
- Any additional charges will be billed and must be paid no later than 20 days from the date of the invoice.
- Filming/photography productions taking place concurrently at more than one University location will be charged a separate fee for each site.
- Additional fees for facility rentals (athletics, labs, classrooms, student centers, and recreation centers), parking, security, staffing, technical assistance, and logistics coordination may apply and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
- All fees must be paid a minimum of 48 hours in advance. All checks are to be made payable to “Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.”
Rush Fees
A fully completed application must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the first day of prep or shooting. The University also requires that a final technical walk-through be done no less than seven working days prior to the first day of set up or shoot. Should either of these activities occur less than seven days, a rush fee of 10% of all filming-related fees will be charged.Facility Rental Fees
Requests for Rutgers Athletics facilities are coordinated through the process outlined above. However, a sample listing of rental costs for athletic facilities can be found here: https://scarletknights.com/sports/2017/6/28/facility-rental-informationSecurity Fees
University police/security officers may be required to be on location. Rutgers University Public Safety officials will determine staffing requirements. Fees for these services are charged to the production company.Technical Assistance Fees
Electrical work and other technical services related to the university’s buildings and grounds and their systems, including custodial and utility work, must be performed and supervised by the Rutgers University Institutional Planning & Operations staff. Fees for these services are charged to the production company.Cancellation Fees
A fee equal to 50% of all filming-related fees will be charged if the cancellation occurs after the contract has been signed or within four business days of the scheduled production, regardless if the contract is in affect or not. In either case, if any location has been reserved or any departmental personnel booked, those fees will be billed at 100%. -
Each proposed project is subject to safety rules of and reviews by Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety and the Rutgers Department of Emergency Services, a Division of Public Safety. Violation of safety standards set by those offices may result in immediate withdrawal of permission to shoot on university grounds. In certain circumstances, the presence of a university fire inspector may be required during productions. Fees for these services are charged to the production company.
The production company will procure and maintain, during the term of the location agreement, comprehensive general liability insurance with a combined single limit of at least $2 million for personal injury or property damage, naming Rutgers as an additional insured, and will provide Rutgers with a certificate of said insurance. The university retains the right to require additional insurance based on the production size and level. -
General Restrictions
Photo or film production is not permitted near or in:- Buildings on the historic Old Queens Campus in New Brunswick
- University libraries during midterm and final exams
- Student residence and dining halls
- University health care facilities
Prohibited Subjects
Drug/alcohol abuse, excessive violence, nudity, racism/sexism, or any activities or topics that create the potential for:- Disruption of academic, research, business, or student activities
- Damage to or alteration of university property
- Inappropriate use of the Rutgers name, trademarks, or image
Rutgers University may not be identified without expressed written permission.
Agreements to record or film on property owned by university-affiliated groups, including most fraternities and sororities, must be negotiated directly with the property owners. In these instances, the Rutgers name may not be used without expressed written consent.
For News-Based Organizations
News-based photography and recordings are handled by the Department of University Communications and Marketing, Office of University News and Media Relations for universitywide topics; Rutgers–New Brunswick Office of Public and Media Relations for New Brunswick/Piscataway and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (New Brunswick and Newark); the Rutgers–Newark Office of Communications for Newark; and the Rutgers–Camden Communications Office for Camden.