Guidelines and requirements for all websites representing Rutgers.
Policy Information
The university website policy governs all websites representing Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and any entities that conduct official university business or that provide official university information to its constituents. These include, but are not limited to, websites under the domain umbrella rutgers.edu.
What Does the Policy Do?
- Ensures that all websites representing Rutgers present a consistent, professional image of Rutgers and are accessible to those with disabilities, accurate, easy to find and navigate, and timely.
- Provides standards for use and content maintenance of websites that provide official university information to its constituents.
- Provides guidelines for website administration and management.
- Defines the process for the assignment of domain names for Rutgers websites.
Web Domains Governed by the Policy
The university’s rutgers.edu domain is a valuable asset of the institution, and all websites falling under that domain umbrella—any website that includes .rutgers.edu in its name—are governed by this policy.
This policy also applies to rutgers.com, rutgers.org, rutgers.info, and all other domain categories of websites that represent any entity of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and that are used to conduct official university business.

Related Links
Exceptions to the Policy
This policy is not intended to affect the activities of faculty members and their freedom to conduct and share research and other academic and scholarly work.
This policy is not intended to affect student organization websites.
Accordion Content
In order to meet required standards and criteria, all official Rutgers websites must:
- Include an official Rutgers logo at the top of each webpage
- Include the full name of the university—Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—on each page, preferably in the footer at the bottom of the page
- Include an easy-to-find link to rutgers.edu in the top section of the homepage.
- Provide a link to the universitywide search function, search.rutgers.edu
- Include a clear way to contact the responsible unit on all top-level pages
- Include in the footer
- A link to the universitywide homepage—rutgers.edu
- The university accessibility statement: Rutgers is an equal access/equal opportunity institution. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to direct suggestions, comments, or complaints concerning any accessibility issues with Rutgers websites to accessibility@rutgers.edu or complete the Report Accessibility Barrier / Provide Feedback Form.
- The university copyright: © 20XX Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
All Rutgers websites must:
- Be accurate and be updated on a regular basis
- Content should be reviewed each semester
- Sites should be routinely checked for broken links
- Unpublish out-of-date content, including documents that are no longer relevant
- Add and delete people from directories as appropriate
Comply with the following university policies:
- Rutgers Code of Ethics: General Conduct [PDF]
- University Visual Identity Policy
- University World Wide Web Accessibility Policy
- Information Classification Policy
- Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology Resources
- Policy on Endorsements, Sponsorships, and Advertising in and on University Assets and Communication Materials
- Donor Gift Policy
- Policy on Commercial and Charitable Solicitations
- Code of Ethics for Administrative and Professional Staff Members
- Conflicts of Interest – Faculty; Professional Activities Outside the University and Outside Employment for Academic Personnel
Additional Resources
Contact Us
If you have questions, email webintegrity@rutgers.edu